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Hidden Insider Information Serial (48)-Sharing Value to Build Trust 

Trust is more important than copy-writing! Trust is more important than a sales letter! And the best way to build trust is to contribute value in a sequential manner.

You should learn to lengthen the process of ” closing “, especially some higher-priced products. Because purchase decision needs a lasting process: from unfamiliar to acquaintance, and then to trust, until finally deal.

Many people are tired because they only focus on the “results”, ignoring the process …. And ignore the core of farming thinking.

Without continuous watering, there will be no lasting harvest!

As a WPG partner, don’t spend a second trying to sell to a stranger unless he takes the initiative to buy from you!

The marketing code WPG follow is: active attraction, passive to be added, interactive relationship building, automatic closing

In every link is to contribute value, are using farming thinking in watering, in cultivation, in the gifting.

Keep influencing people with continuous value contribution. People hate to be persuaded and closed,but will be influenced unconsciously!

In a word from the buying cycle is: how customers buy, how you should sell, do not invent by yourself.

You must erase the concept of “selling” from your mind, no one likes to be “sold”. You have to keep sharing, keep giving, keep sharing your ideas, your service content, people who understand will naturally understand.

Marketing is sharing, marketing is influencing …. Influence people’s thinking, emotion, behavior ….

Sharing is the highest level of advertising, sharing is a kind of advertising that does not look like advertising ….

Today you can watch the 16th episode of the TV series ” Tiandao “

Read Hidden Insider Information Serial (47)-Trust Building is a Slow Art

Read Hidden Insider Information Serial (46)-Farmer And Hunter Business Model

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